Is a family of websites
Welcome to Out The Box! New Orleans' food, local and international music, and travel destinations. This Portal is a collection of sites brought together for you. Your Out The Box valuable products and services are from a growing family of businesses. All of our sites share a connection and commitement to offering you the best products.
In a world of the 'half-done', we wanted to create a space for our community to enjoy products and services that were complete and well done. The utilize the best incredients and care. Shop in safety, knowing you are getting the best value for your dollar.
We are really excited about our ability to bring you great products and create a space on the web that you will want to stop by to visit and browse. Watch as we develop new content and product for your pleasure. Participate by telling us how we are doing and offering us you ideas and reflections. Above all shop in the comfort of your own home or office.
Out The Box Bakery
Homemade baked goods done right
Rock N Soul
the Music that you want to hear
New Breed Properties
One place for exotic destinations
New Breed LLC
Investments that bring return